(Click here for a bit about what Ga-Ma-Yo is)
Another excellent Ga-Ma-Yo came and went on Thursday 19th November. This time Castle Invasion: Throne out came along to be shown in all its glory on a demo TV at the event.
The games artist (Adam) and I had been slogging away for weeks to have a solid, beautiful, demo ready packed full of every feature we had the time to implement. A steady stream of players came over; some to play, some to chat and some for the free stickers(can’t blame them, they look pretty cool).
As people took down wizards, peasants and destroyed bosses we got some fantastic feedback. The best part about this feedback was it was all from skilled developers and keen students who can spot something they don’t like in a game from a mile away.
The Yorkshire game dev community is vibrant, diverse and always happy to help members. Demoing at Ga-Ma-Yo is a great example. Knowing the right people to help design, animate, develop, test and publish can be a real struggle sometimes. Utilising a group like Ga-Ma-Yo opens all this up for you. Roll on the next one! 🙂
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